Moms Demand Ignorance of Current Law

From today’s mailbag, Moms Demand Action are decrying HB 60 as an “extreme” measure that would “arms teachers and school employees with a minimum amount of training.” Politifact already determined the “extreme” epithet is “mostly false,” but that does not seem to deter the Moms from continuing to spread “mostly false” information. What the Moms

Moms Tweet First, Ask Questions Later (or Never)

This week’s folly from the Moms comes in the form of a Tweet in which they claim HB875/HB60 would give “felons a license to kill.” As unexpected as it sounds, the Moms have been watching too many Bond films. The errors in the Moms’ Tweet are numerous. First, they apparently don’t realize that convicted felons,

GCO Demands the Truth From Moms Demand Action

Moms Demand Action continue to engage in extreme ignorance or deliberate lies in order to push their political agenda. Most recently, the Moms have said, “Furthermore, new bills in the Georgia State Capitol right now will allow convicted criminals who have used a weapon to threaten or intimidate to get a concealed carry permit.” The