Moore v. Cranford (Coweta County Probate Judge)

Newest information is at the bottom Superior Court of Coweta County Plaintiff’s Brief in Support for Motion for Summary Judgment (MSJ) Defense Response to Plaintiff’s MSJ Download this to your computer to read (multipart tiff) Plaintiff’s Reply Brief in Support of MSJ Defense Rebuttal Download this to your computer to read (multipart tiff) Plaintiff’s Surrebuttal

Coweta County’s Park Ordinance Banning Firearm Carry

Coweta County’s Park Ordinance Banning Firearm CarryNewest Files are at the bottom Original Letter To Coweta County Commissioner Follow-up Email Correspondence Coweta County Attorney’s Response Reply to Coweta County’s Attorney GCO Lawsuit against Coweta County in the Superior Court of Coweta County Complaint Coweta County’s Answer Brief in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment Amended

GeorgiaCarry.Org et. al. v. The Atlanta Botanical Garden Inc.

Lawsuit filed against defendants for their ban of firearms on publicly owned property that they lease from the City of Atlanta. Superior Court of Fulton County Complaint Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Order Dismissing the Case Notice of Appeal Supreme Court of Georgia Brief of Appellant (GCO) Brief of

Mount v. Richmond County School System et al.

Defendants are the school system, Brown as system police chief, and Dallas as school Principal) New Carry License holder posted the license on Facebook and was then called into the Elementary school of her daughter and given a trespass warning to never set foot on school property again. US District Court for the Southern District

GCO v. Baldwin

Officers arrested and charged a man carrying a gun with a license United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Columbus Division GCO’s Complaint Answer Settlement Release

Brady Center v. City of Nelson

Brady Center wants Nelson’s law requiring gun ownership struck down, GCO intervening on behalf of the city. United States District Court (Brady’s) Complaint GCO’s Motion to Intervene GCO’s Motion to Dismiss Answer Defendant’s Support of GCO’s Motion to Intervene Plaintiff’s Response Opposing GCO’s Motion to Intervene Nelson decided to settle the case

Woodard v Brown and Payne (Paulding County Deputies)

Regarding 2 Paulding County deputies that arrested a GFL holder for disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed firearm Complaint Answer Plaintiff’s Brief in support of Motion for Summary Judgment Defendant’s brief in Support of their Motion for Summary Judgement Defendant’s Response to Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgement Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgement

GeorgiaCarry.Org et. al. v. Army Corps of Engineers.

Refusal to allow carry on Corp Property. US District Court, Northern District of Georgia, Rome Division Complaint Plaintiff’s Brief in Support of a Preliminary Injunction Defendant’s Response in Opposition to a Preliminary Injunction Plaintiff’s Reply in Support of a Preliminary Injunction Plaintiff’s Brief in Support of a Motion for Default Order Denying Preliminary Injunction Defendant’s

Rainbow Push Coalition v. Deal

regarding Plaintiff Rainbow Push Coalition who is suing to overturn Stand Your Ground in Georgia. GeorgiaCarry.Org seeks to intervene to defend the law (Newest Documents are posted at the bottom) US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division Rainbow Push Coalition’s Complaint GeorgiaCarry.Org’s Motion to Intervene GeorgiaCarry.Org’s Motion to Dismiss Court