Hutchens v. Deal

regarding Plaintiff Hutchins who is suing to overturn Stand Your Ground in Georgia. GeorgiaCarry.Org seeks to intervene to defend the law (Newest Documents are posted at the bottom) US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division Complaint GeorgiaCarry.Org’s Motion to Intervene GeorgiaCarry.Org’s Motion to Dismiss GeorgiaCarry.Org’s 2nd Motion to Dismiss Order

Refusal to issue a License to non-residents of Georgia

United States District Court Complaint Brief in Support of Motion to Certify Class Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Defendant’s opposition to class certification Amended Complaint GCO’s Response to Motion to Dismiss GCO’s Reply for Motion to Certify Class Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss GCO’s Amended Complaint (2nd Motion to Dismiss) Order Denying Defendant’s 1st Motion to Dismiss

GeorgiaCarry.Org Inc. v. MARTA

Lawsuit regarding Marta’s failure to disclose policy requested by numerous open record act requests as well as the unlawful detention of a GFL holder open carrying a firearm on Marta property. Complaint Marta’s Answer Marta’s Motion to Dismiss the Georgia Open Records Act Violations Plaintiff’s brief in Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss Marta’s Reply

Camp v Carroll County (Judge Cason) and Department of Public Services (Commissioner Hitchens)

Camp v Carroll County (Judge Cason) and Department of Public Services (Commissioner Hitchens)Newest information is at the bottom US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia Complaint Brief in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction Defendant Hitchens’ Brief in Response to Motion for Preliminary Injunction Preliminary Injunction (Temporary Restraining Order) Defendant Hitchens’ Brief

GeorgiaCarry.Org v. Kabler (McIntosh Sheriff Deputy is the defendant) who stopped Theobald to see if he had a license to carry

GeorgiaCarry.Org v. Kabler (McIntosh Sheriff Deputy is the defendant) who stopped Theobald to see if he had a license to carry United States District Court Notice of Removal to Federal court and Complaint click to read, requires Adobe Acrobat Answer click to read, requires Adobe Acrobat Plaintiffs’ Motion for Partial Judgment on the Pleadings click