Guns And Children

We’ve Been Lied Too! By Mike Menkus We have heard the soundbites: “8 children are killed every day in America by guns” Million Mom March Website 1 “There are five children a day killed with guns through either accidents or suicides. Five children a day in America are killed with guns.” Dr. Phil 2 When

Ever Wonder Why Probate Judges Issue Firearms Licenses?

The history of the gun laws in Georgia is very clear. The white ruling elite were fearful of armed black Georgians. They created a system that would guarantee that Blacks were disarmed and that would have the appearance of being non-discriminatory. Following the Civil War, Southerners wanted to create a proper investment climate for northern

History Of Georgia's Carry Laws

The Continuing Legacy of Slavery and Racism 1833 Georgia enacts a law that provides, “it shall not be lawful for any free person of colour in this state, to own, use, or carry fire arms of any description whatever …… that the free person of colour, so detected in owning, using, or carrying fire arms,